Reporting and Assessment

At Park Academy, we believe that the best form of assessment results from ongoing dialogue and interactions with children, this helps ‘form’ a developing picture of where each child is on their learning journey. Daily interactions are what provide the soundest judgements of pupil progress and are what should inform planning and teaching. We recognise that progress in learning is not linear and therefore children should not be judged solely on the basis of a test. 

There are three broad overarching forms of assessment, each with its own purposes:


Day-to-day in-school formative assessment:

• Question and answer during class;

• Marking of pupils’ work;

• Observational assessment;

• Monitoring work for pupil’s achievement, attainment and personal development.

In-school formative assessment should be an integral part of teaching and learning. It allows teachers to understand pupil performance on a continuing basis. It enables teachers in the different subjects to identify when pupils are struggling, when they have consolidated learning and when they are ready to progress. Through these assessments n this way, it supports teachers to provide appropriate support or extension as necessary. It also enables teachers to evaluate their own teaching of particular topics or concepts and to plan future lessons accordingly.

In-school summative assessment:

• End of term tests;

• Weekly spelling tests;

• Short end of topic or unit quizzes;

• Reviews for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, disadvantaged pupils and the most able.

In-school summative assessment enables teachers to evaluate both pupil learning at the end of an instructional unit or period (based on pupil-level outcomes) and the impact of their own teaching (based on class-level outcomes). Both these purposes help teachers to plan for subsequent teaching and learning to ensure that the needs of all groups of pupils are met within the subject.


Nationally standardised summative assessment:

• Reception Baseline Assessment and EYFS Profile Reporting 

• Phonics Screening Check 

• National Curriculum tests at the end of Key Stage 2;

• National Curriculum teacher assessments at the end of Key Stage 2;

• National Curriculum Multiplication Tables Check in Year 4.

Nationally standardised summative assessment helps teachers understand national expectations and assess their own performance in the broader national context