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Key Stage Data at Park Academy
EYFS: Children achieving a Good Level of Development
Year |
2022-2023 |
67% |
Year 1 Phonics: Children reaching the Expected standard
Year |
% of children |
2022-2023 |
92% |
KS1: Children reaching the Expected standard (EXS) and Greater depth standard (GDS)
Reading EXS |
Reading GDS |
Writing EXS |
Writing GDS |
Maths EXS |
Maths GDS |
2022-2023 |
84% |
32% |
68% |
16% |
84% |
26% |
Year 4 Multiplication Check: Average Point Score
Year |
2022-2023 |
24.1 |
KS2: Children reaching the Expected standard (EXS) and Greater depth standard (GDS)
Reading EXS |
Reading GDS |
Writing EXS |
Writing GDS |
Maths EXS |
Maths GDS |
Combined EXS |
Combined GD |
2022-2023 |
79% |
47% |
89% |
26% |
84% |
37% |
79% |
26% |